Kokrajhar, Dec. 27: A girl trafficked and sold in Mumbai and forced into immoral activities has been rescued recently. The fact surfaced in Salakati as Saira Begum (name changed), 18, of Sandyagaon under Salakati police station was rescued and brought back home from Mumbai on December 23 by police after intense pressure from the local people and filling of a case (vide no. 22/10) under Sections 420, 366, and 34 IPC. She was lured away by agents Anwar Hussain, alias Barobabu, Mridul Sheik and Fuljan Bibi, alias Fuly of Majidpara in Salakati to Mumbai five months ago with the promise of a lucrative job. Villagers said the agents were backed by Aysha Bibi, Saritulla Sheik, Pinki Begum and Wahab Ali of the same village. Begum said tricked by the trio’s promise of a job, she had accompanied them to Mumbai. She said she was sold to a brothel in Mumbai for Rs 30,000 and forced to stay for nearly two months in Thane, Ahmedabad and Nasik. Begum said she was forced into immoral activities. She contacted her uncle over phone one day and told him about her plight. The family later filed an FIR at Salakati police station. Based on the FIR, the police picked up the three agents and compelled them to bring back Begum. The spate in trafficking of women in the Salakati area in Kokrajhar district has become a matter of concern. Notwithstanding villagers’ demand for a crackdown on the culprits, the problem has not been solved yet. Source |